Android App Development

This comprehensive course is designed to introduce you to the world of Android app development, providing you with the essential skills and knowledge to create your own Android applications. Whether you are new to programming or looking to expand your skills into mobile development, this course will guide you through the core concepts and tools necessary to build, test, and deploy Android apps.

Android App Development


30,000 - 112,500


3 - 10 Weeks


This comprehensive course is designed to introduce you to the world of Android app development, providing you with the essential skills and knowledge to create your own Android applications. Whether you are new to programming or looking to expand your skills into mobile development, this course will guide you through the core concepts and tools necessary to build, test, and deploy Android apps.


1. Basic Computer Literacy 2. Basic programming knowledge 3. Operating Systems 4. Internet Access 5. Software and hardware requirement 6. Willingness to Learn and Practice

1. Basic Computer Literacy 2. Basic programming knowledge 3. Operating Systems 4. Internet Access 5. Software and hardware requirement 6. Willingness to Learn and Practice

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