Web Design - HTML and CSS

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to HTML and CSS, the fundamental building blocks of web development. You will learn how to create and style web pages, develop a solid understanding of web design principles, and gain hands-on experience in building responsive and visually appealing websites.

Web Design - HTML and CSS


30,000 - 112,500


3 - 10 Weeks


This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to HTML and CSS, the fundamental building blocks of web development. You will learn how to create and style web pages, develop a solid understanding of web design principles, and gain hands-on experience in building responsive and visually appealing websites.


1. Computer Literacy 2. Adequate storage space 3. Internet Access 4. Willingness to Learn and Practice

1. Computer Literacy 2. Adequate storage space 3. Internet Access 4. Willingness to Learn and Practice

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